Thursday, May 12, 2011

My beautiful box..

Do you have an old door which you thought you have shut but found out, that you had unconciously (or maybe purposely) left it unlocked?

Behind that door you left a wonderful memory, all tucked into a cute little box tied with a beautiful white ribbon and put way up on the high pedestal.

The box have been kept pretty much behind that door for a very long time. You would re-visit that box whenever life gets a too little crappy and you need a reminder that 'pleasant things' do happen in life. Things that could just make you smile silly the whole day, just thinking about it. The memory in that box just defies age. I think if I am to live up till 80 years old, the box would still make me smile wrinkly silly.

That's how precious it is to me, no matter where life brings me to, and no matter who said what.

The box came knocking unexpectedly against the door  quite a while back. I stood by the door staring at it for a very long time.

Beautifully ribboned boxes are not supposed to come knocking back at you, right? While I was unsure what to do with it, I was utterly happy that box casted another rainbow in my life.

Tis' afterall, my beautiful box.

And just as unexpectedly it knocked, and said 'Hi Beautiful!', it was gone..

Just like that.. As if I had imagined it came knocking in the first place.

If it were other memories, I would have tossed the box into the trash in the jiffy. But there was a reason why I tied a beautiful ribbon around that red box.

It is special and it is precious. I could not toss it. But this I will do.

I will shut the door.

And, lock it up this time.

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