Thursday, May 24, 2012


For the past couple of years, I subscribed to two wonderful blogs that inevitable impacted my life today.The first was  Rare and Beautiful Tresure. I was drawn to the blogger's voice{choice of words, to be precise} because she sounded so soothing. I was at point of my life where I was constantly bombarded with negative vibes, negative words, being put/looked down upon, being lied to, etc, but was clueless as to how I should handle it.

When I first read her blog, her words were so soothing to my soul and what scared me in a way was, how 'foreign' that seemed to me. I have not 'heard' that in a very long time. It only occur to me then, how conditioned I had been to receiving/ accepting all things negative in my life. And it made me realised how much I needed some form of gentle influences in my life, instead; for I was getting very tired and weary.

Once I have started following the 'gentle' path, there would be times when I find that it was so hard to keep a positive outlook. It was like whenever you try to stay afloat, you feel you keep drowing. Then I came across this wonderful blog Positively Present.

The blogger shared a very critical part about being positive.
Always surround yourself with people who bring you up. Choose not to be around people that cause you to be unhappy. Sadly, you're probably around a few people that bring you down, not up. If you find people in your life bringing you down -- yes, even family members or significant others -- find a way to separate yourself from them. If you want to live a truly positive life, you must be surrounded by positive influences.
 I realised then, that in order for me to stay afloat and breathe, I need to separate myself from people who seemed to suck all form of joys out of daily lives or those who are intent in finding faults as if there was a reward for it. It was not an easy feat if the person is someone you are close to.

But when you have reached a point where you could no longer bear being lied to or told half truths, or looked down upon; you will decide that enough is enough. While it is very convenient to just point at the other person and say, 'Oh he's/she's the jerk', it certainly takes more effort to work internally and ask your self, 'What are you going to do about it?'.

Then you will realise that you deserve better.

That is when you will love yourself enough to only surround yourself with those who will bring you up.


You would naturally choose to let go of any negative influences in your life.


And so today I am a much happier person than I was before..


Thanks to the wonderful blogger Erin & Dani.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The FINAL Step in Part 1 of the Decision has been approved!!

For those readers (Yes, I do pretend I have more than 1 follower *wink*), who have been wondering what this Decision is all about, do bear with me a little bit more. I promise I will share with you once the whole process have been finalised. As in finalised in my favor, of course. 

The main reason why I have been very cryptic about this 'Decision'  on this blog is because it is a very personal journey for me. Only my immediate family and my two angels knows about it, (even then, my own parents are thinking this is just a phase I am going through, since I have not talked about it anymore since I announced my 'Decision'.)

But for today, I just want to record it here, that I am happy to have reached this stage.

Thank you Father God. Amen..