Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The bridge

So, the festival is over.. It is always wonderful to be able to go back and meet up with the rest of the relatives and just enjoy each other's company. I will share the festive photos some other day. For today, I want to celebrate a memory.

My sister and I decided to bring her son for a walk one evening. The boy hardly ever goes to the jungle. So we brought him for a walk to a hanging bridge we used to cross to go my grandparents farm.

To tell you the truth, I have not cross that bridge for a very long time. If my memory serve me correctly the last time I went to the farm was when my grandfather was still alive and I was still in my late teens. (Yes, that very long ago)

I could not pin an exact reason why I have not been on the other side for that long. Maybe since my grandfather died, there was less reason to go to the farm. There are just so much wonderful memories.

My grandparents used to call their farm, as their 'office'. When we were in younger, every school holiday my dad would sent us back to the longhouse to undergo 'longhouse training', as he calls it.

My grandparents of course, were only too happy to have us little ones, going to the 'office' with them. They would teach/train us how to tap rubber, pluck cocoa and pepper corns. I learnt at a very young age,the importance of working hard and through their lives, I learnt there is no short cuts in life.

They both got married very young (that was how things were 60 years ago). My grandmother always remind us how she and my grandfather started their lives together. She said things were really hard, for they had nothing. For that reason, she always taught us, never to look down on people who have less, for they were once very poor too. But one thing for sure, both of them were not afraid of hard work and slowly build their lives from there.

When we had our walk that evening and I saw this bridge again, I am reminded again of all the stories my grandparents used to tell us and all the life lessons they shared with us.

As we go through our lives, it is really easy to get distracted and demotivated by hardship. I guess, maybe that is why He led me back to that bridge again.

When I see this bridge, it reminds me of my late grandfather.

How hard a life he led when he was young. But he never complained about it. Not once.

How he calls a spade, a spade. Not one to mince words. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

How he worked hard to improve his life and provided the best he knew how for his young family.

How he valued education so much that eventhough he never went to one himself, he built a school which still carries his name sake till this day.

How he harped on us the importance of saving.

How as much as he worked hard to earn a living and save money like a miser, when it comes to the things he love, he would not think twice about spending money on it.

How he had a vision for a man who lived in the jungle. He built a 20 seater table when there were only 10 of us to occupy it if everyone went back to the longhouse for gawai. Other folks used to laugh at his 'nonsense'. But he was very confident that one day will come, the table will be filled and there might not be enough seats for his grandchildren. True enough, 30 years after he built that table, the seats were filled, but he was not around to see it. 

There are so many other things that I remember about him while walking on this bridge that evening.

Being reminded again of him, anchors me back to who he was, who I am and how far I have gone. A resolution slowly grew inside me , just like this little fern growing on one of the planks.

What I took back with me from that walk was these:

This bridge was built before I was born, and years later, it is still strong and safe. My grandfather and his kin, chose only the best wood that could withstand the harsh environment to built this bridge. Just like this bridge made of hardwood (belian), strong values can withstand the test of time, rain and shine. So, I must never forget the values he tried to instill within me. Our values, unlike our possesions could never be taken away.

I guess, one dream have to be lived out and served its purpose for a period of time. Then it will die naturally so that a new dream can grow.

Its ok to let go of old dream if there is no longer any life in it. And eventhough it might be very scary to start all over again, I have it within me to make it happen. No matter how hard. If he could do it, then I could too.

After all, I am his grandaughter.

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