Thursday, May 19, 2011

Barking mad

[Caution : This is a venting post]

When I first decided to have a blog, I was not sure how 'transparent' I should be in my posts. At first I thought of just blogging about trivial matters and write only about 'nice stuffs.'

As time goes by, I find that it is quite therapeutic. Being able to express myself, as freely as I allow myself to be. And maybe this blog is a useful tool for me to vent, ya?

So here is my first barking mad post. Please read the fine prints.

(Be forwarned, this is where I am about to indulge myself by regressing into a petty emo mess)

(Source : Google Image)

Snooty bunch  riles me a lot.

Those who think that they are better than others, just because..(fill in the blank)...

Intellectually I do know, people put others down so that they could feel superior about themselves. It is all about their inferiority complex.

They will make snarky remarks to whatever that appears to threaten their superior ( they think they are, but actually they are not) position.

They will make comments, or formulate their own conclusion and passed it as the ONLY TRUTH.(Because, oh, they are so wise. So much wiser than others.)

*Eyeballs rolling 360 degrees*

It is easy to tell these people off when they are just your acquaintances. But when they are more than your acquaintance, that is where it gets tricky. You will be left with two choices, either to speak your mind or to opt for passive aggresive action. (i.e. remove yourself from further interaction).

You will be left asking yourself, 'Do I tell them off and tell them to zip it?'

(Source : Google Image)

 or,  ' If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing'

(Source : Google Image)

More often than not, I find myself opting for the second choice a lot lately. I do not know. Maybe it is age?

When I was younger it was easier to tell people off. Maybe because you can always hide behind ' Oh, I was young, I didnt know any better."

(Source : Google Image)

Now, it is not so easy. Because you know, sometimes, no good comes out of it. Nonetheless, you are still left with this pent up emotion you just need to vent.

(Source : Google Image)


1 comment:

  1. Friend, I am sure you did what you did because you remember what Our Father said, to "be quick to listen and slow to speak" Also a quote that says "when you argue with a fool, there's 2 fools arguing" So worry not. What you did was right, and wise.

    And don't forget, I might look harmless...but I do have an AK47. So holler me!
